Alpha Theta Euphonia

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Professional 4-channel Rotary Mixer

Professional rotary mixer which creates an amazingly natural and smooth mixing experience.

1 available for pre-ordering

Energy Visualizer for Understanding Overall Sound at First Glance

The Euphonia’s Energy Visualizer allows DJs to instantly understand the mix status and track volume balance. Unlike conventional VU meters with a single needle, the Mix Level Meter features a needle meter for each channel, enabling visual checks of all channel levels for smoother mixing. The Spectrum Analyzer helps monitor the Master output balance, ensuring consistent and smooth mixes over long sets.

Next-Generation 3-Band Master Isolator

The Euphonia’s 3-Band Master Isolator provides sensory control over music with high-quality isolator knobs designed for rapid and fine adjustments. The knobs control the kick, melody, and rhythm bands naturally yet sharply. The Boost Send feature allows one-handed effects application, while Boost Level settings (+12dB, +6dB, 0dB) enable style expression through volume adjustments.

Built-In Send FX

The Euphonia includes 5 built-in spatial effects (Delay, Tape Echo, Echo Verb, Reverb, Shimmer) and a high-pass filter (HPF) to add depth to music. A Send/Return section allows external effects unit connections. Dedicated knobs on each channel adjust the send level to the selected effect, and the Time knob, with a proprietary mechanism, switches between clicking and no-clicking sensations based on the selected effect, providing precise control.

Design that Embodies a New Era of Rotary Mixer

The Euphonia’s design signals a new era of rotary mixers with a “two-tone, two-layer” look combining tradition and innovation. The channel strip section features traditional elements, while the innovative display section showcases matte and gloss textures. Copper-colored primary knobs convey analog warmth, and black-painted wood side panels blend with the overall aesthetic.


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